Night of a Thousand Candles

Night of a Thousand Candles

Emily Owens

From November 26, 2022 to January 1, 2023 at Brookgreen Gardens, the Night of a Thousand Candles will be held. The garden’s trails can be walked from 4 – 9 PM where you can experience the whimsical glow of 2,700 candles. This event is a great place to take pictures or just relax and drink cider or hot cocoa. Tickets for adults are $35 and tickets for children are $17. Brookgreen Gardens is in Georgetown, so if you end up going, make sure your tank is full. 

Every evening at 6:45, garden goers can witness the tree lighting ceremony. Customers can also reserve a table at Austin’s Harvest Restaurant, which is inside the gardens. Hundreds of people flock to this event ,including local photographers and artists, to experience these magical nights. 

Lighting christmas trees has been around for longer than christianity has. Plants and trees that stayed green all year round had a very special meaning. In ancient Egypt would hang evergreen boughs above their doors and windows to keep witches and other spooky beings out of their homes. Celts and Druids in Europe would decorate their homes with evergreens as a symbol of everlasting life. However, Christmas trees started in Germany around the 16th century which the Germans then brought to America in the early 1800’s. When it was first brought to America, it wasn’t accepted because it was “a pagan mockery”, but thoughts quickly changed after Queen Victoria was depicted in an image decorating a Christmas tree.