Hurricane Ian in Snee Farm

Emma Dickens

Snee Farm’s drains are backed up and are a constant issue! When the weather gets bad, you should expect the flooding in Snee Farm to be even worse. One resident, Jonathan Mullane, complained he almost had 5 feet of water in his backyard. 


My furniture was flooding,” Jonathan Mullane. “ The rain storm… was much worse than the Matthew.”


In order to prevent future flooding, the obvious answer would be to fix the drainage, right? Town officials state that millions of dollars will be needed to repair drainage. That’s flooding money down the drain! 


Despite the flooding, the midst of chaos brings a sense of togetherness throughout the community of Snee. 

Nick Mead, also a resident, states, 

We have to find the funds within the town to go ahead and fix things and repair things.”


Hurricane season is approaching… hopefully someone will fix Snee Farm’s flooding fast!

