Don’t Cram For Your Exam


Morgan Weeks, grade 11, working on Precalculus during ILT.

Sam Korte

First things first, when you study you should…

  • Block out all distractions
  • Plan what you are going to study
  • Try not to cram
  • Try to learn in more than one way
  • Find a quiet environment with little distractions
    • Change your space, so you don’t get bored


Focus Setting

    Firstly, if your phone is an apple product, use the application called “Focus.” It is a setting on your phone that you can set to turn on and off at certain times. It will silence any notifications that you don’t want to disrupt you.. This is one of the best tools for studying because it completely takes out the want to go on your phone.


Google Keep

    Google keep is a great place to make lists of the things you need to do. If you’re someone who likes to check boxes, this is the thing for you.

When you have something to check off, you are more likely to do it because it makes you feel accomplished. You can customize the notes; make them a list; title them; and make one for each class. You can even change the background to match the colors of certain classes. Plus, because it’s an extension of google, it will appear on almost any other google site, letting you cross off items as you complete them. Click here to get to google keep.




Study Period

    Now, once you actually start studying you should know that you should never study for more than 45 minutes at a time. Cramming doesn’t work. Studies have shown that your brain recalls 80% of the information you learn in the first 40-45 minutes, but after that it drops majorly. You start to lose interest and your mind starts to wander. To counteract this, I suggest you create a study plan. Section up your classes into 40-45 minute periods, and then plan to take a 10 or 15 minute break in between each of them. In that time, do something that will take your mind out of ‘study mode.’ whether that be going on your phone to update your friends, or simply just making yourself a snack, it will work. Then you can get back into gear and start on the next section.


Self Quizzing

    Another way you can improve your studying tendencies is to start self quizzing. This technique is exactly what it sounds like, basically just learning things in a questioning manner. This will allow your brain to learn things from multiple perspectives and hopefully allow you to recall information more quickly. If you find it hard to ask and answer a question, you can always invite a friend to help you. 


Where To Go

    The Lucy Beckham Library is an amazing place to study. It is normally quiet and there are multiple cozy corners available. It is one of the best learning environments and has great staff that can help you with any technological troubles. Not to mention, this year, you can even eat snacks there. 

    Another quiet place to get some work done is in the courtyard. During ILT, there are not many people outside, this means little distractions and more time to focus. It’s a nice break from all the stress inside. Also, since we’re in SC, the weather is always enjoyable. Overall the courtyard has a very refreshing atmosphere and is a great place to get things done.

    If these places don’t work, a change of scenery might. Get out of the school you walk in and out of every day. Visit places like the Mt. Pleasant Library or even the Wando Library. Any place that is going to help you get your work done is the best place.


    Although there are many more study tips and tricks, These seem to be the most helpful and easiest to achieve. If you follow these parameters you should be able to study without fail. I wish you the best of luck on your next test!

