Best Places for Prom Pics

Emily Owens

  1. The Battery

The Battery is located at the very end of King Street and has a cement walkway that looks out across the water. There is also a park area where you could take some pretty pictures that have a nature feel to it. Within the park is a big gazebo where you could get some photos. Located all along The Battery are beautiful old mansions that have been kept in mint condition. If you want more of a city feel you could pose in front of the primordial palaces.

  1. Pitt Street Bridge

The Pitt Street Bridge is at the end of Pitt Street in the Old Village. It’s a big boardwalk that looks out over The Cove. There is a sidewalk in the middle and grassy areas with palm trees to either side of the sidewalk. It’s a great place to take pictures that have a beachy feel to them without having to deal with sand. There are also benches along the boardwalk if you want to take pictures sitting. 

  1. Rainbow Row

On East Bay Street near the Battery there are a string of colorful homes called Rainbow Row. These light colored houses would make any dress pop, especially black.  There are so many different colored houses that every dress should be able to go with at least one of them. These houses in the background make every picture feel summery.