Sick Building Syndrome

Sick Building Syndrome

Emily Owens

Sick building syndrome occurs when everyday attendees of a specific building develop headaches and respiratory problems due to unhealthy factors in the building’s infrastructure or poor ventilation. In fact, many Beckham students have complained about similar symptoms. Mia Neven stated, “I have a headache when I’m at school but after I leave, it disappears. I guess it only takes ten minutes of not being in that building to cure me.” On a similar note, Anneliese Hall will be starting a petition soon to see how many people have felt similar symptoms at Lucy Beckham. 

Not only could it affect Beckham students, but students nationwide. A couple months ago, there was a trend on tik tok to show what you looked like before you got to school and what you looked like while in school. The point of the trend was to show that “school air” made your appearance worse.  A logical explanation for this could be sick building syndrome.