The New Adults

Breea Moultrie

Gen Z is the generation we all love. The generation of new trends, more technology and more ridiculousness. Is this the generation of love


Wait, what!?


Gen Z is officially starting to become the generation of new adults. Unfortunately, many of us have not had the time to learn about taxes, credit, debit cards, or mortgages. And we certainly don’t know how to start our own credit line. But this fast-moving, texting, and speedy generation have been hit with global pandemics, recessions, school closings, food shortages, and inflation. Some had to get jobs as young as 14 to be able to keep up with rising prices. According to a survey conducted in 2020, half of the Gen Zers had someone lose a job due to the pandemic. Another found that this generation is more ethnically and racially diverse than other generations and that they are on track to be better educated than other generations. 


Even though Gen Z is behind on learning some of the adulting basics, it’s never too late to get into the swing of things. After all, we are really great at playing catch-up.  While we don’t have the best resources available to learn about how to manage money (with inflation on the rise), we’ll still find our little hacks, quirks, and tricks to be able to prepare ourselves for the real world.