Lucy Beckham Cheerleading

September 21, 2022
About Us
Cheerleading at Lucy Beckham has really grown as a sport. They practice everyday after school, and go to additional practices at PACK. The Lucy Beckham cheerleaders perform at most of all the sport games at Lucy Beckham minus a few. The JV Lucy Beckham cheer team performs for the JV games, and the varsity cheer team cheers for the varsity games. Lucy Beckham cheer isn’t just for school, the cheerleaders also participate in competitions. They work very hard and are amazing. On game days they wear their uniform, and get ready to put on a great show!
Competitions and Games
Games are very fun because the cheerleaders always put on a great show and always raise our spirits. JV cheerleaders perform every Thursday, and varsity cheerleaders perform every Friday. As much fun as games are, the cheerleaders have bigger things planned for them. As soon as games are over there season just really began. They start travel cheer/ Competitions.
Inside scoop
Here are some of the cheerleader’s words and what they have to say about their experience. One of my good friends Gracie Mathis is on it and absolutely loves it. She said that as soon as she tried it she fell in love with it. Another cheerleader said that even though practices can be long and hard Lucy Beckham cheer has helped her in so many ways!
Sign Up
If you are interested in joining the team don’t hesitate, and tryouts will be held later on in the year!