Dear Underclassmen,

Dear Underclassmen,

Alyssa Eidenmuller

Some of the most common phrases you hear from anyone in highschool are, “I can’t wait to leave” or “I can’t wait to graduate”. But believe me, you can wait, these are the some ears that will fly by. The best advice from a senior about to pave the way, is to PARTICIPATE IN EVERYTHING. 

School activities are cheesy to do things like spirit week, or dressing up for football games, but you will always miss the chance after its gone. Go to dances, go to football games, go to clubs, participate in spirit week. It is worth it! You have to appreciate these upcoming years because they are going to be full of adventure, knowledge, and making friends

Take it slow, most seniors are just realizing that graduation is coming like a freight train, with no intention of slowing down. Wishing it would slow down. Do not wish away these years. I wish that I could go back and relive all of it. That is just the thing: You never know how many of anything you have left. 


2023 Senior