Into the life of Coach Richtmyer

Elle Wheat

Her Staff Life

Before Coach Richtmyer’s life at Lucy Beckham she was an elementary school counselor. She came to Lucy Beckham as part of the staff  in our 2nd year, and became our success coach. At the end of our 21-22 school year she got promoted to be a counselor coming into our new year. She says “the beginning of this year has been very busy compared to last year but she thinks she’s finally getting the hang of it”. 


Besides the joy of hanging out with her friends and family she always loves to come home to her dog Winston. She considers crafting her hobby and is really interested in fashion. If she got to choose her superpower it would be to teleport and if she could be any animal she would be a cat. One thing she really wants to do is learn sign language or another foreign language. She would love to communicate with a lot of different people. 


She is excited that we finally have 4 grade levels at our school, I think it’s exciting too!  Savannah Shumpert, a junior here at Lucy Beckham says “I love Coach Richtmyer, I can always come to her about my school or personal stuff. She’s like my school mom.” In my opinion Coach Richtmyer is great at doing what she does. She is always there if you need her and always makes sure you are doing good. She is an amazing guidance counselor and is always very welcoming.  


“I love building relationships with students and giving them a safe and comfortable place to talk” 


Her Cheer Life

Coach Richtmyer was a competitive cheerleader for 13 years, and became one of the Lucy Beckham cheer coaches in their first season. She loves her cheerleaders and enjoys coaching them so much! She said “they have a really good group this year with a lot of energy”. Coach Richtmyer loves the sports part of cheer but her favorite has to be competition season. She is very excited to see what the  year brings!  This is our cheer team’s second year of competing as a cheer program. Last year they made 7th in states and are hopeful with each coming year they continue to improve. They made 1st place in their very first competition of the season.